An update on the SIE project
MORE SIM project SIE (Sustainable Industry Ecosystem), began in 2020, aims to connect and enhance sustainability, circularity and digitalization in the context of Finnish manufacturing SMEs. This is done with variety of different technologies and concepts like green design, industry 4.0, Pilot lines (pre-commercial production), robotics, IoT (internet of things), Artificial Intelligence and ICT infrastructure.
For LUT specifically, SIE has been connected to the System Earth concept within the strategy and LUT’s four global sustainability research themes:
- Energy – Transition to a carbon-neutral world
- Air – From emissions to opportunities
- Water – Complex water adequacy and water treatment needs
- Business and society – Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society
In more detail, LUT and SIE have been linked to social aspects with digital innovations for safe and effective work, to environmental aspects with digital twins, and to economic aspects with digital twins and pilot lines.
SIE project has been involving the following partners: Tampere University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, VTT, LUT University and University of Vaasa. SIE is a continuous, active, project and experiment that might result in more insights later in the future. For now, here are the relevant publications that have emerged from the project.
SIE has already resulted in many valuable insights, conclusions and results of which the two main ones have been: Pilot lines and green and digital tools as well as Common access policy. Here you can see more information about the results.
See also: Sustainable Industry Ecosystem
Contact information:
- Professor Minna Lanz,
- Professor Aki Mikkola,
- Associate professor Antero Kutvonen,
Text written by: Mari Piimäkorpi