MORE SIMModelling reality
through simulation

We utilize a variety of simulation and virtualization lenses to human, machine, and environmental systems. We develop and enable new approaches to the organization of industrial activity and provide digital tools that will contribute to achieving sustainable industrial growth.

Driving sustainable growth across the economy and society
Creating value in digital economy
Advanced design, manufacturing, and processing


The MORE SIM platform is a multidisciplinary research collective combining capabilities across the LUT School of Engineering Science, LUT School of Energy Systems, and LUT School of Business and Management. MORE SIM is created to leverage individual capabilities in cross-disciplinary learning & multi-disciplinary research together with strong industry support that enables both practical and academic impact. MORE SIM drives sustainable application of digital technology to steer industry transformation and to reform human-machine-environment relations, with the higher-order goal of transitioning towards interconnected, competitive, and carbon neutral industry.

The MORE SIM platform develops novel simulation-based techniques that will advance industrial design, manufacturing, and processing. Being able to simulate reality makes it possible for industrial companies to drive sustainable growth better and provide services based on customer needs.

The platform represents the state of the art in multidisciplinary knowledge that covers strategy, innovation, technology and performance management, Digital Twin (DT) applications, and advanced simulation and modeling. Its scholarly capabilities also include the Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data, and digital platforms and ecosystems.

The platform works in close cooperation with companies from the manufacturing, service, and software sectors as well as with digital businesses. The MORE SIM platform will develop the necessary digital tools to model reality from the beginning to the end of product or process lifecycles. Virtual products such as digital twins, which correspond and are linked to actual products, will be key in transitioning to a sustainable, responsive, and deeply networked industrial future.


MORE SIM research will lead to profound advancements in real-time and faster-than-real-time simulation. These advancements will overcome the current limitations in scalability, data processing, experimentation, rates of change, and spatial and temporal restrictions that are inherent to the operation of machines and the performance of processes.

Instead of being simple manufacturing outputs, products are becoming interactive extensions and interfaces to the company that makes them. They are extending the reach of companies with their ability to collect, contribute, and share valuable data; make decisions and interact with their digital environments, and adapt throughout their lifecycle.

Virtual twins are providing the technological structure on which innovative and dynamic business ecosystems can organically grow, which gives birth to new services, business models, and open innovation practices. Today, this transformation is being seen in the form of new concepts in preventive maintenance that combine real-life data and simulation enabled by pervasive communication networks; autonomous machines that are approaching fleet-level synchronized decision making and coordination; an emerging refocusing of business models around the value of data as opposed to physical goods, and the adaptive optimization of manufacturing through applications of artificial intelligence and collaborative robotics.

The MORE SIM platform is not strictly an academic exercise. Its success depends on close cooperation with companies from the manufacturing, service, and software sectors as well as digital businesses


Virtual processes can be rapidly and radically tested in parallel to and interacting with changes to the virtual product. This makes it possible to optimize and adjust processes to achieve ever higher environmental, economic, and operational efficiencies without interference from ‘process inertia’ and ambiguity. By being able to effectively model products, equipment, people, environments, and both intended and causal interactions – i.e. by modelling reality through simulation – industrial companies can better drive sustainable growth.

The MORE SIM platform will support the organizations as they grow their businesses with new sustainable business models and innovations that give them a competitive advantage in a changing business environment. The business development focus is on product-service systems based on the full product-service lifecycle that will increase value for the customer and improve environmental sustainability.

The MORE SIM platform will provide the necessary digital tools (e.g., simulation tools) to model reality from the beginning of the lifecycle to its end. From the technical and business solution point of view, digitalization is a core focus of the MORE SIM platform. The research groups in the MORE SIM platform have a long history of variety of industrial projects, and we are keen to continuously extend our impact to new cases and projects.

Creating value in the digital economy, promoting excellence and a creative research environment


Developing a better holistic, cross-disciplinary understanding of simulation technologies for all facets of industrial business and manufacturing is core to the MORE SIM platform. Achieving this goal will make it possible to explain, interpret, and describe changes that are coming as real-time simulation begins to see more industrial use.

These changes will involve aspects such as increasing the virtualization of work tasks, making use of digital twins in production, implementing more sophisticated industrial automation and robotics, and developing new ways to collaborate and perform industrial design. MORE SIM platform technical teams will develop and promote simulation-based theoretical approaches in several fields of engineering, and the business and management teams will develop approaches to improved use of these technologies in organizations and in transforming business models and business ecosystems.

We will build on the above-mentioned approaches to various product processes across the lifecycle of future cyber-physical products and production systems. Making maximum possible use of simulation models and tools in every stage of the lifecycle is a key objective. Simulation models developed at product conception will be carried along throughout its life and will be made continuously more accurate as data and human experience accumulates.

Sensor data will be enriched with data coming from embedded digital twins. Analysis of the accumulated data using intelligent algorithms combined with user-experience inputs will help achieve higher environmental, individual, and social sustainability. In this way, usability and productivity can be continually optimized throughout a product’s lifecycle or a processes useful life. Moreover, intelligent algorithms can be developed that will make human-machine interaction continuously adaptable, which will improve user satisfaction.